Well, nothing too utterly amazing has happened, aside from my discovering plutonium in our backyard...
I'm still chugging with Speech and Debate, although the Debate part is yet to come, much to the distress and annoyance of my fellow S&Ders. ____ is still a huge annoyance, although most of the time I can handle him, just ignore or treat naturally. I have two new e-pals, Rachel in Florida, and Monica in Alberta, they're awesome and I really enjoy getting to know them. I went to the Mardi Gras dance and Adele and I were the ONLY ONES there from the homeschool people, not cool, we were bored. I'm a Truegirl teen editor, for those of you who haven't checked my sidebar, DO IT. It's a Catholic girl's magazine which focuses on, "Faith, Life and Fashion" and I'm also applying to be a cover girl for them. If I make it, mom and I will fly out there this summer for the photo shoot...I'm really excited about that :D:D:D:D:D
Um where was I? Oh yes...
I'm entering in 3 or 4 writing contests, one for the PUD, two for the Edmonds Arts Commission, short story and poetry, I told Kate about it because I know she would win the poetry, she's really good at that. I'm also writing reviews for Truegirl, and I have to write an essay for the cover model application about why I'm a truegirl. We went to see Bridge to Teribitha the other day, the really snowy day, and I absolutely loved it. It was so cool to come out into all the snow, it was dark and there was snow on the roads, bushes, everywhere, plus it was falling quite hard and steadily.
I wish all of you the best of Lent, and I'll try to be more diligent about checking the comments, now that I am assured of your faithfulness ;)