Wednesday, February 3, 2010


February makes me very happy. Somehow just the month changing makes me believe winter is almost over and spring is in sight. With spring comes Sheila, nice weather, a quarter change, my birthday, then SUMMER.

I don't really have a whole lot to say. School is cool. I'm probably 65% towards Gonzaga at the moment, but it comes down to Honors program and $$$. I was looking at housing/meal plans today and they have cool themed dorms so I'm thinking either the outdoors dorm (they go on hikes together and cool stuff) or the substance free. I'm going out to visit over President's Day weekend and I'm excited for that. Hopefully it'll make my decision a little easier. Sometime when I have more time and more desire I'll outline all the plusses and minuses of each choice (Gonzaga vs. UW)

In the mean time, I'm also excited for Spring because over spring break I'm going to finish sewing my graduation dress!!! I'm super excited about it - it's going to be beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I also have to have my senior pictures done by the 25th so one of my friends is taking them but he needs to email me back or maybe I'll email him or something to get a time set up. Maybe doing outdoor senior portraits in February in Seattle is a bit optimistic. I certainly hope not.

Other than that I have a tournament this weekend - my last invitational EVER. Sad day. Then State quals, Nat quals, State speech, State debate (I decided to go in LD and get my ass kicked) then hopefully Nats more debate for Meechy. Unless I join Gonzaga's nationally ranked debate team (they ranked 12th in the nation last year - NOT BAD.)

Basically I just want life to hurry up because it's going to get really interesting but not for a while. The interesting parts have way too much filler in between. I'm so done with filler. Yup. That's that. Chao.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Peachy,

Love yaaaaaaaaaaaa!
