Currently 13:24 hours into the new year and I've already gotten more done off my to-do list than in the last 2 1/2 weeks. Also just got back from an exhilarating plunge into Lake Washington on a clear, sunny, frost-laced morning crowded in on every side by old men in speedos, hula girls, Waldo (found him), Elvis, and a bunch of Vikings. Seattle does its holidays right! And no polar dive would be complete without cocoa, coffee, and hot Tang! (seriously. WTF.)
Ok, so 2013 goals:
- Layout. I know I got this checked off last year but then my collarbone decided it was too solid and cracked in two so I'm a little scared about throwing my body on the ground anytime soon.
- Layout and catch a disc
- Layout D
- Callaghan
- Nurse Tech type job
- Keep crossing stuff off the Bucket List!
- Kickass, memorable 21st. Memorable in that it will be worth remember and also I will keep the capacity to remember it.
- POTLATCH. If I say it enough it has to happen eventually, right?
- Seaplastic? Beach Ulty sounds fun!
- 21 & Over slated to come out. Between my cameo and Rise Up I'll be a household name, right?
- Completely finish a crossword in pen on my own with no help.
- Be someone I am proud of every day.
- Be generous. Be humble. Be selfless.
For the first time I'm also saluting notable moments from 2012. A lot happened, both expected and surprising:
- Move out on my own
- Get into nursing school
- Start nursing school
- Layout #1 (and 2 and...)
- Broke my collarbone
- DiscNW Elementary Coordinator
- Picked my first lock
- Picked & cooked approx. 5 gallons of basil into pesto.