Thursday, September 27, 2007

Heeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooo peoples!

Hey All!

You know, if all those people who vote in my poll commented, I would be very happy.

Let's see, an update of my life:
Speech and debate: We're having a car wash tomorrow. No comment. My DI is awesome, I love it. We have many new members, it's awesome. My first tournament isn't until November so I'm very sad about that.
Stuff: I am taking a Chemistry class from a lady named "Frog" I am not kidding. The labs are really fun, and I have awesome lab partners. I also learned the other day that the 'older kid' book is a college-level textbook, meaning all the mathematical problems I've been doing are at the college-level. Needless to say, that made me feel really good.
Martial Arts: Louie and I are finally ready to test for our Yellow belts on Tuesday, so a little prayer that we do our best would be VERY appreciated. I'm rather excited and not nervous (yet).
I can't really think of much else, life is good.

I love you all!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dear Peoples...

God works in mysterious ways. Let me exemplify: One of my favorite pen-pals hadn't emailed me in a while and I was about ready to give up on them, in fact I was all set to write them off of my list when BOOM! They suddenly correspodned with me. So I say God rocks and I absolutely love him. I mean, I loved him before, but it's the little moments in life when he really just shows his love and care. :)

Anyways, after that inspirational message...
I'm just letting you all know that basically I'm cool and Speech and Debate is kicking off. *SIGH. Ali and Elliot and I have some great meetings. :)Erika and Elliot have a wonderful Duo which I've heard is very moving. My DI is coming along, Ali has his Oratory, and the new kid Alex has lots of promise. Also, Ali's sister is joining and Benj (the class clown) apparently is getting serious about persuing LD, which would be awesome. :)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

You know you're sheltered if...

• you think Brittany Spears is a type of weapon
• you know more about the Panama general elections than the Olympics
• one of your favorite pastimes is contacting businesses to inform them of the bad grammar in their mailed advertisements
• you think elastic-waist jeans are ‘in’
• you write all of your papers in four colors ‘just for entertainment’
• when you see a person decked out in rainbow attire you think, “ A Christian!”
• you associate the word, ‘mall’ with ‘hell’
• you are scandalized every time someone reaches onto a high shelf and you see their naval
• you write letters to your computer
• the only piece of jewelry you own is your ID bracelet
• you’re not allowed to change your hamster’s cage because your parents don’t want you to read the used newspaper
• you read the ingredients on the shampoo bottle during your shower
• there are no magnifying glasses in your house for fear of accidentally starting a fire
• your favorite pencil is a soft tip 1488-2 although when you’re feeling rebellious you’ll use a 1388-2
• the ‘interesting’ words are cut out of your dictionaries
• the low R-value of your house is a great annoyance to you (okay, that’s me but I’m not this sheltered!)
• you could only watch G movies until you were 13 then you graduated to PG
• you name your plants
• you’re not allowed to watch ‘Teletubbies’ because they talked about rabbit droppings
• you smile and wave at ALL men, thinking that one day they might remember you and help change a flat tire
• it is considered a big deal in your family to buy a bottle of carbonated water
• your heartthrob is Owen Chamberlain, due to his advances in physics, no matter that he’s 93
• you eagerly await the future chapters of your history book, just like the next installment in a ‘who-done-it’
• when you hear about radical feminists you immediately think about algebra
• you choose paint color names based upon what you’re studying in geology
• you read the phone book for fun (again, I seriously am not this sheltered! i.e. no naming plants)
• you have a page-a-day calendar of pocket protectors
• your internet protection safety light is so bright you can’t look at it
• your summer tan is limited to your calves and forearms
• you are appalled when you see men’s chest hair
• you keep your bookcases sorted by the Dewey decimal system-no card, no service!
• you think having a favorite number is superstitious
• you bring a thesaurus to read while standing in the check-out line so you don’t glance at the tabloid covers
• you’re afraid of the school-bus
• you see a resemblance to a human in your toothbrush
• you place the word ‘crap’ on the same level as real swear words
• you think talking to boys is a sin and should be avoided at all costs
• you think dyed hair is scandalous
• you feel sorry for people with more than two piercings, knowing them to be dysfunctional and druggies

Thanks, guys. You really validate my existance. ;) Read and enjoy! Let me know if you have any other suggestions, I just come up with these when I get bored...

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Hello readers!

You'll now notice a new feature on my already awesome blog. (Yes, self-esteem is important, how did you guess?)Yep! The Poll-of-the-Week! So vote, and we'll see which wins! I have sooooo many awesome ideas... :D Yea!
Well, just wanted to give you the heads up, love you all!