I'm Michelle. Nice to meet you! Get Facebook, it's so amazingly awesome. Allow me to extole it's virtues for a second. Not only can you buy and sell people, but you can also race each other, pinch, flirt, slap, karate chop, and throw stuff at your friends. If you're more liberal, you can take Disney princess quizes, if you're conservative you can join groups like "1,000,000,000 strong against Hillary". You can proclaim everything from you religious views to your mood as expressed by a smiley emoticon. You can reconnect with old friends, while arching eyebrows at new ones. You can spend your life on it, or spend only a few minutes once a year (although I don't recommend that). Yes, and if I haven't convinced you, see me in person, and I'll try some specially tailored methods of persuasion.
Right now I just ate dinner, and I had a drive today with my instructor where she taught me how to parallel park and back around a corner. I also learned that I hate parking on the right side of a lot, and I need practice on that (although I still did pretty well) :)
I am also working on a beautiful Liszt Sarabande (it was a Handel melody, then he did everything else). It is so so so beautiful. *SIGH. I love it.